
We, PercepTech.AI Pte Ltd (“PercepTech”), hereby inform you that we collect and process personal data in full compliance with the Regulation EU 2016/679- General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act 2018 and other relevant legislations. We affirm that your privacy is important to us, and so is being transparent about how we collect, use, and share information about you.

PercepTech is a data controller and data analyzer and we process personal data, important and confidential conversations with the use of AI.

PercepTech’s contact details are as follows;
Email –
Address - 5 Purvis Street, #02-03, Singapore 188584
Website -


In this Privacy Statement, the term “personal data” includes:

  • Under the laws of the countries in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), personal data shall have the meaning given to it in the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
  • Under the laws of Singapore, personal data shall include the information/data about an individual who can be identified from that data and any other information provided therein, to which the organization has or is likely to have information.
  • For Applicable State Privacy Laws, the terms “business”, “customer”, “controller”, “personal data”, “personal information”, “process”, “processing”, “sale(s)”, and “sell”, as used in this Privacy Statement have the meanings given in the Applicable State Privacy Laws
  • “PDPA” means Personal Data Protection Act, 2012 which empowers a baseline standard of Protection for personal data in Singapore.
  • “Data controller” means the party that determines the purposes or means of the processing of the personal data.
  • “Data processor” means the party that processes the personal data on behalf of the data controller.
  • “Personal information” generally means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular customer or household.

What does PercepTech do?

  • PercepTech runs various market research projects for global brands across industries. PercepTech may collect authentic data, process the data received from the conversations of the customers with their respective personnel. Further the data is analyzed as it may fit the criteria provided to PercepTech by the customers.
  • PercepTech may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data or information, which may be filtered or grouped into identity, contact, transaction, and technical data sets. We use this data to serve our legitimate business purpose, given your consent to participate and provide your personal information.
  • PercepTech offers innovative solutions to analyze data and provide meaningful insights with the consumers, to efficiently help optimize business operations, product development, and decision-making.
  • This Privacy Statement covers your personal information that we collect  when you use our platform, services, websites, and tools, or otherwise interact with us, unless a different policy is displayed.. We offer services to support the use of our platform for customer insights. We refer to our platform, our services, websites, and tools collectively as "Services" in this document. Where we provide the Services under contract with a researcher or an organization (for example, your employer or the commissioning customer), that organization or researcher controls and determines the processing of any personal data for research activities hosted on the account, for which PercepTech acts as a processor.
  • Other users of our Services like moderators, translators, and observers, may provide personal data that PercepTech processes as a controller. For participants in research activities hosted on the platform, the organization or researcher contracting with PercepTech shall control and determine the processing of any personal data.

This Privacy Statement applies to the information and data collected by PercepTech when you access and make use of PercepTech Services as a customer, participant, website visitor or other type of invited user.

Our role in handling your information

PercepTech may act as a Controller or Processor of personal data we collect, depending on the specific context. Our approach aligns with EU GDPR guidance on controller/processor roles.

Controller (we determine the purposes and means of processing):

  • When interacting directly with customers, website visitors, vendors, partners through our website, sales, marketing, etc. We control data processing in these scenarios.
  • When Perceptech  initiates a market research study that collects personal data directly from individuals. We determine and analyze the purposes and means of processing.
  • PercepTech owns recruiting, human resources, accounting, operations and other internal processes. We control data processing for our own business functions.

Processor (we process data on behalf of customers per their instructions):

  • When contracted by a researcher/organization to collect personal data from individuals using the researcher’s sample and sources. The researcher determines and analyzes the purposes and means as the controller.
  • When providing Services that allow contracted researchers/organizations to collect personal data directly from individuals. The researcher determines purposes and means as the controller.
  • When conducting market research activities as contracted by researchers/organizations using their own sample sources. The contracted researcher/organization determines the purposes and means as the controller.
  • When storing, organizing or analyzing personal data from contracted research activities as per the researcher’s instructions.
  • When transferring personal data or recordings to contracted researchers/organizations after research activities.

What information we collect about you

We process or collect information to provide, build, protect, improve, and promote our Services. Here are the categories of information we collect or process:

  • Account Information: When you sign up for an account/subscription, we collect your name, email address, password, and other details you provide.
  • Billing and Payment Information: For paying customers, we collect billing address, payment method, and transaction history.
  • Log data and device information, which includes internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, and operating system and platform.
  • Sales and Support Data: Information you provide when interacting with our sales and support teams.
  • User Content or Interview Data: Quote form details, documents, video and audio recordings, discussion guides, screeners, survey responses, meeting room data, clips, labels, transcripts, reports, or other content you upload/transmit via our Services or that is generated as part of a contracted research project. This includes any derivatives from that data.
  • Usage Data: We collect details on how you and your devices interact with our Services, including service selections, clicks, pages visited, analytics, entry/exit pages, and usage metrics.
  • Research Participant Data: From research participants ("panelists", "respondents", or "participants"), we may collect contact details, demographic info, survey responses, and interview-derived data, like video and/or audio recordings, only after explicit consent has been provided.
  • Biometric Data: Raw voice recording during the said conversation, if the customer chooses to reply by voice (Not used for identification purposes).
  • Cookie information and other identifiers to enable our systems to recognize your browser or device and provide, protect, and improve our products. For more information, see our Cookie Policy.
  • Third-party information, such as data about organizations, industries, lists of companies that are customers, website visitors, marketing campaigns, and other matters related to our business from affiliates and subsidiaries, our partners, or others that we use to make our information better or more useful.
  • Other Information: You may choose to submit additional personal information through surveys or registration forms, like when opting in to be part of one of our beta programs.

PercepTech may also collect, use and share Aggregated Data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific web site feature.

PercepTech does not request the disclosure of special categories of personal data or sensitive data unless otherwise instructed by you and only after getting your explicit consent to do so. This may include: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, health information, and information about an individual's sex life or sexual orientation.

How we use information we collect

PercepTech will only process information about the customer if there is a lawful basis for doing so and if there is a specific reason to do so; this cannot be done without processing your data. These lawful bases are: to generate insights from the collected feedback that help PercepTech to improve their services; if Perceptech needs to process the customer's information in order to provide them with the service you have requested or to enter into a contract; Perceptech shall have customer’s consent and shall have legitimate reason for processing and analyzing their data, or PercepTech are therefore under a legal obligation to do so.

We use customer’s personal data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, including:

  • To fulfill requests for our Services based on the projects, research, and transactions you initiate.
  • To provide customer service, account support, and technical assistance related to our Services.
  • To verify your identity and secure your account when you access our platform.
  • To invite you to participate in surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other market research activities on the platform.
  • To send you insights, updates, and information related to market research, our Services, and industry trends through email, newsletters, or events.
  • To provide targeted content, recommendations, and customized experiences based on your interactions and activity on our platform.
  • To analyze usage data in order to improve, optimize, and enhance our platform, offerings, and user experience.
  • To monitor and secure our systems, infrastructure, assets, and confidential data through technological safeguards and cybersecurity measures.
  • To comply with applicable contractual obligations, regulations, laws, and court orders.
  • To aggregate or de-identify data for statistical analysis, reporting, and other business purposes.
  • To store and retain personal information and data for as long as you have an active account, unless longer retention is required by law.

We use automated and manual processing techniques when using information for these purposes. Our automated methods include artificial intelligence (AI), which is a set of technologies that allow computers to perform tasks that would typically require human knowledge and intelligence. Our manual methods frequently work in conjunction with, and support, our automated methods, and all our data handling is subject to the security practices described at

How we disclose information we collect

PercepTech enables anyone on your team to consistently facilitate great feedback sessions, saving key moments and turning customer conversations into actionable insights. We want to make our platform easy, collaborative, and accessible. This means disclosing information through the Services and to certain third parties.

Please note that information about you, your devices, and your behavior collected through third-party cookies, pixels, tags, or other tracking technologies for purposes of cross-context behavioral advertising may be considered a “sale” or “share” under certain US state laws. However, Perceptech is not a data broker, and we do not sell personal information for monetary consideration.

Disclosing information to other Service users

When you use the Services, we disclose certain information about you to other users:

  • For collaboration: You may share content containing information about you based on account permissions. For example, when you use the "Save Moment" feature, we display your name next to the saved moment so other users understand who saved it. Please use sharing features responsibly according to this Statement, your agreements, and internal policies.
  • Managed accounts: If you register with your employer's domain, your name, contact information, content, and past account use may become accessible to their administrators and other users with that domain.
  • Administrators: If you're an administrator, we may disclose your contact information to facilitate platform-related requests from users.

Disclosing information to third parties

We only share it with certain trusted third parties as described below to operate, provide, analyze, customize, secure, and promote our Services:

  • Service Providers: We use companies like Amazon Web Services and other companies such as Zoom to provide, protect, promote, and improve our products. These providers are bound by strict contracts to only use your data as we instruct. To see the full list of sub processors please write to us at
  • Legal/Regulatory Entities: We may share data with law enforcement, government agencies, or regulators if reasonably necessary to comply with laws, legal processes, or legitimate governmental requests.
  • Business Transactions: In the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or other corporate transaction, your data may be transferred to the acquiring organization.
  • Organization Administrators: If you created an account with your employer's email domain, we may share your email with their administrators to coordinate access.
  • Other Users: If you participate in collaborative research activities, we may share your personal data with other authorized users per the account owner's contractual agreement.
  • Your Consent: We may share your data with any third parties when you give explicit consent for us to do so. By using our site, you consent to our Privacy Policy.

Data security and retention

As described in more detail on our trust center, we use a combination of technical, physical, and logical safeguards to secure your data. These safeguards include encryption of data in transit and at rest, access controls to restrict unauthorized personnel, secure network configuration and network security monitoring including intrusion detection/prevention, data transfer restrictions, staff security training and confidentiality agreements, regular third-party audits and penetration testing, and several other measures.

We retain personal data only as long as needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy, unless a longer period is required by law. Some retention considerations include:

  • Duration of your account and use of our Services
  • Applicable statutes of limitations
  • Contractual obligations with customers
  • Legal holds required for litigation or investigations

When we no longer require your personal data, we securely delete or anonymize it. We regularly review our data inventories to only keep information still needed for business purposes.

Exercising your data rights

You have a number of ways to interact with the personal information that PercepTech  processes, including requesting a record of your information, updating or correcting it, and deleting it.

  • Request a Personal Data Report: You can submit an access request for your data by submitting a support ticket through this email:
  • Correct or Update Your Data: You can update your name, email address, and language preference through your PercepTech account settings. If you have problems updating this information, please submit a ticket by writing to us at
  • Stop Us from Processing Your Personal Information: You can ask us to stop using your personal information for marketing emails by clicking “unsubscribe” on the emails you receive. In order to stop all processing of your personal information, you can request for your account to be deleted.
  • Delete Your Data: You can remove your personal information from PercepTech by deleting your account, but with prior notification/intimation given to us. If your account is managed by your employer or organization, please contact your organization administrator to request deletion or opt-out of your account. For enterprise accounts, your employer controls the account and associated personal data.
  • Move Your Data out of PercepTech: You can download the interview data you’ve stored in your Perceptech account by contacting us at
  • Lodge a Complaint: If you’re based in the EEA, Switzerland, or the UK and think that we haven’t complied with data protection laws, you have a right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority.

We will respond to all requests within 30 days unless an extension is required by law. We may need to verify your identity before fulfilling requests.

International transfers of data

We collect information globally and primarily store that information in Singapore. We may transfer, process, and store your information outside of your country of residence, to wherever we, PercepTech, or our third-party service providers operate for the purpose of providing you the Services. Any such transfer of your personal data will be carried out in compliance with the applicable laws.

For purposes of complying with data privacy laws throughout the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK, where we transfer personal data to an entity outside of these areas in a jurisdiction which has not received an ‘adequacy decision’ or similar from the relevant regulatory body, we ensure such transfers are subject to an adequate transfer mechanism as described by the relevant data privacy law.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

  • We may occasionally update this Privacy Statement to reflect changes in our personal data practices or applicable legal requirements.
  • When we post changes, we will revise the "Last Updated" date at the top of this Statement. If we make significant changes, we will provide prominent notice on our website or send you a notification.
  • We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of our Services confirms your acceptance of the updated Privacy Statement.

Minors and children under the age of 13

PercepTech does not allow children under the age of 13 or children considered “Minors” as designated by the laws under which they fall, to use any of our services without proper consent from a parent or legal guardian. If you believe we might have any information from or about a Minor that was collected without proper consent, please contact us at the address provided above.

Additional information for users in specific regions

If you would like to reach the PercepTech Data Protection Officer (as defined under the GDPR) you can contact

Data Transfers

Information submitted to PercepSense.AI will be transferred to, processed, and stored in Singapore and around the world. If you post or transfer any information to or through our Services, then that information will be hosted and accessed in Singapore and around the world. Please note that the privacy laws of Singapore may be different from those in the place where you are a resident.

Legal Basis for Processing

  • Performance of a Contract: When we provide you with our Services or communicate with you about them. This includes when we use your personal information to take and handle projects, set up sessions, and process payments.
  • Our Legitimate Business Interests: The interests of our customers when we detect and prevent fraud and abuse to protect the security of our customers, ourselves, or others, when we improve our products, and when we promote our paid products to you.
  • Your Consent: When we ask for your consent to process your personal information for a specific purpose that we communicate to you. When you consent to our processing your personal information for a specified purpose, you may withdraw your consent at any time, and we will stop processing your data for that purpose.
  • Compliance with a Legal Obligation: when we use your personal information to comply with laws. For instance, we collect place of establishment and bank account information for identity verification purposes.


You may request that we:

  • Provide access to and a copy of certain information we hold about you.
  • Provide you with a summary of the categories of personal information we have collected or disclosed about you in the last twelve months; the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling such information; and the categories of third parties with whom we shared such information.
  • Delete your personal data
  • Non-discrimination for exercising your privacy rights

To make privacy requests under PDPA or other Applicable State Privacy Laws, please write to us at