Your AI Powered

Qualitative Research


Unlock the insights hidden within consumer
and customer conversations.
Data Analysis

Analyse existing data

Analyse existing conversations by identifying patterns, emotions, and pinpointing key moments. Summarize each conversation or convert data into compelling narratives.
All-in-one product

end-to-end research

End-to-end process is often tough to manage. Run studies from planning to analysis & reporting on one AI assisted platform.
Research at Scale

Qualitative Amplified

Launching in September 2024
Qualitative Amplified leverages advanced methodologies to expand qualitative research, providing deep, comprehensive insights on a bigger scale.

Unlocking insights

as easy as
Step 1

Plan your consumer connect

Start with your business question and let our technology handle the rest. Say goodbye to concerns about who, what, and how to ask.
AI assisted study design
AI assisted discussion guide development
Seamless Respondent recruitments
Launching in August 2024
Step 2

Probe like an expert

Utilize AI-recommended questions and discussion libraries to guide your consumer conversations effectively.
Moderate with Ease
Involve your team in real-time probing and tagging of key insights guides developed by experts
Self-moderation or use moderators from our panel
Launching in August 2024
Step 3

Play with data

Analyze conversation tags, explore themes, and let our AI assist in crafting narratives that matter to you.
Summarize conversations
Understand emotional nuances with EmoSense
Generate insightful narratives with just a few clicks
Step 1

Plan Your Consumer Connect

Start with your business question and let our technology handle the rest. Say goodbye to concerns about who, what, and how to ask.
AI assisted study design
AI assisted discussion guide development
Seamless Respondent recruitments
Launching in August 2024
Step 2

Probe like an Expert

Utilize AI-recommended questions and discussion libraries to guide your consumer conversations effectively.
Moderate with Ease
DiscussionInvolve your team in real-time probing and tagging of key insights guides developed by experts
Self-moderation or use moderators from our panel
Launching in August 2024
Step 3

Play with Data

Utilize AI-recommended questions and discussion libraries to guide your consumer conversations effectively.
Summarize conversations
Understand emotional nuances with EmoSense
Generate insightful narratives with just a few clicks
Design, conduct, extract insights from consumer conversations.
We understand

qualitative research


Developed by Researchers, so we know what you want.

AI Assisted

AI is embedded throughout the platform to help shape your intuition.


Our platform is centered around data and analytics, ensuring actionable insights at every turn.

Narrative Focus

We prioritize narratives, frameworks, and storytelling to deliver impactful insights.

Tailored to suit

your unique needs


Reach out to consumers frequently, easily, like an expert.

Market Research Agencies

End-to-end process management, lightning speed interview debriefs and collaborative analysis.

Start Ups

Don't know how to? Our AI helps you be the expert from design to insight generation.


Enrich projects, papers, & research by easily conducting and analyzing conversations.
Shape your intuition
At PercepSense, we believe in the power of human intuition, augmented by AI technology. By harnessing the synergy between human creativity and machine intelligence, we illuminate the complexities of consumer behavior, driving innovation and strategic decision-making.